The Train
by Sarah Bourne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Train by Sarah Bourne explores human nature and reactions when faced with unexpected adversity.The day for 8 passengers on a busy commuter train, from Milton Keynes to London, begins as any other. Not long into the journey, a tragic incident brings the train to a stop.
The reader gets to know the 8 passengers and follows along for the day. Insights in how each of them deal with the incident, how it impacts their life and changes them forever make this novel a powerful read. The characters are all connected and find themselves meeting throughout the day. Some have a more direct response than others, one is even directly involved in the tragic that unfolded. But all are changed forever.
I found this to be a very thought provoking read, I had to smile at some of the “very British” reactions and ways to cope with such a profound experience. Tea, anyone?
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My thanks go to Bloodhoundbooks and the author, Sarah Bourne.