My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received an advance copy of the book for review.Gerald Oddman is a very odd man. He arrives, seemingly out of nowhere, in the middle of nowhere. Not a penny to his name, he has to throw himself on the mercy of complete strangers. He is used to being a celebrity, so when his approaches are met with a mix of pity, indifference, hostility and, sometimes, human kindness, he feels more than a little jilted. We encountered the people Gerald meets, an unlikely bunch and not all likable at all. A group of young hopeless men become Gerald's new entourage. As Gerald's desperate attempts to find his former glory and followers in the 21st century get more curious and daring, we meet his daughter. Instead of helping her father, she manages to expose him as an attention seeking, out of touch and thoroughly unlikable. As quickly as Gerald had found fame, he loses it again.
This book is a quick, easy read. The characters and storylines are all neatly interwoven and the plot development is well paced. This book is somewhat thought provoking as it touches on subjects such as God, the reason for being and the meaning of life. It is not overbearing however and more tongue in cheek.
I gave 4 stars as i found the end somewhat strange, I am hoping that it is a set up for a sequel. If you are looking for a quick, touching read, this is definitely a book I would recommend.